Platform / Security & Compliance


Everything within Corniche is built with security in mind, from how the system is coded to the interaction with the end customer.

Access to Corniche is always through encrypted communication. User names and passwords are strengthened with 2 factor authentication (2FA).

A user can only access functionality for which that user has been approved. Counter signatures are required on critical actions.

Our Corniche SaaS service runs from our secure data centers in Sweden and The Netherlands accessible only by approved Megasol staff.


While GDPR has been one key area over the last couple of years, new regulatory requirements that our customers have to comply with are always part of the daily work in Corniche.

One of the main factors of compliance is the availability of documentation that supports identities and reasons for the movements of funds between parties. Corniche provides unlimited storage for documentation:

  • uploaded online by an end-user.
  • as an attachment to a transaction.
  • as an addition in the back office during normal compliance checks and updates.
  • as a linked document to a transaction entered in the back-office.

Corniche integrates to many third party services for further processing of KYC and AML data.